Overview: Cute...Simple...Intriguing...Fun...and Cute yet again....these are the words which can describe (perhaps still not do justice, but still...describe) both....the movie and the character Barfi that is brilliantly...again....BRILLIANTLY played by Ranbir Kapoor. A heart-warming journey, filled with moments that can not simply be forgotten; moments which stay with you much after you have left the theater. It is the story of Murphy aka Barfi! The tag line very aptly describes the feel of the movie - "This September...Dont Worry....Be Barfi!"
Characters: Oh boy! Where do I start....I guess a good place to start would be Saurabh Shukla who plays the inspector in the movie and in Barfi's life, who chases him at various points during the narrative and gives us the most fun-filled and genuinely funny and Charlie Chaplin-ish moments to laugh at. The character is very real and is excellently portrayed by Saurabh Shukla.
Next up, Ileana D'Cruz....who plays Shruti. Not only does Ileana look amazing in the movie...she plays her character with tremendous conviction....manages to express everything through her eyes...despite the fact that she is the only major character who can actually speak in the movie! Her confusion, her internal debates, her hints of jealousy, her happiness....her pain....all come through to the audience through those eyes! Kudos to her!
Priyanka....who plays Jhilmil....manages to make you forget that you are watching PC. Totally believable as the autistic Jhilmil....Priyanka definitely has given her best performance to date in Barfi! As you watch her....not even for one scene do you feel sympathetic....all you feel like saying is... "Oh...she is sooooo cute", with a little dampness in your eyes!
Finally.....Ranbir.....I think his real name ought to be changed to Barfi for the sheer cuteness and innocence with which he has performed this role! His mischief, his naughtiness, his pain, his hertache....his hopelessness....every human emotion is expressed through his eyes and body-language! BRILLIANT....BRILLIANT.....BRILLIANT! This is the performance of the year....!
Music: Pritam....Hats Off to you! There is no doubt that a filmmaker has so much to do with the music of the movie...and Anurag Basu proves that. Perhaps Pritam's best work to date was Life in a Metro...and now this amazing soundtrack....could this be a coincidence? I think not...! It is still hard to believe that the director who just churned out "Second Hand Jawani" and "Daru Desi" has composed tracks like "Kyon", "Ashiyaan" and "Ala Barfi"!! TWO THUMBS UP! Full marks to the lyricists....Sawanand Kirkire and Syed Quadri as well!
Experience: Enough said...for a movie which manages to qualify as one of the best films of the year without saying more than just a few words....It deserves accolades as it is!
Special mention and appreciation for Anurag Basu....for executing such a simple yet complex story so deftly! When you watch the movie....you realize...that even though Basu could have stuck to a simple narrative...he chooses to narrate the story in a set of asynchronous flash backs...which might not appeal to all....but definitely keeps you engaged and makes sure you pay attention to the going-ons. While some might find the pace slow and the execution confusing....I think its a stroke of a genius!
Been-O-Pinion: I give it 4.... (out of 5).....a brilliant movie....with A-Grade performances....and a brilliant story-teller at the helm. Ranbir....Priyanka....Ileana and Basu....you guys deserve a standing ovation!!